twelve looks good on him

The good news (for you) is that it’s Wednesday, my eyes are heavy and I have some photos to share so although I could get wordy, I’ll do my best to tell a little story with photos. Surely that story will be better than my ramblings anyway because Connor!

My favorite valentine is twelve. As hard as it is to admit it, he’s ready. Middle school is treating him well. He’s a social butterfly. He knows more about sports than I think one human should. And he’s getting taller. So, I guess it’s time. My only fears are his quick wit and facial expressions. They’re eerily reminiscent. So I worry.

For instance, I sang happy birthday to him this morning over the phone and his response after ‘thank you, mom’ was ‘don’t worry, only six more years and i’ll be in college.’ Umm, wha?

And this afternoon, as he opened gifts, he flipped through the book I had gotten him (sports-related, of course) and he chuckled as he asked why it wasn’t a picture book.

But, I just love this young man. He is growing in his relationship with Christ. He loves his mom and dad. His smile lights up a room. His energy is contagious. He is becoming a man, but still has the sweet spirit of a child. And his heart is bigger than all of snow-covered Michigan and it makes this mama so very proud. I talked with a friend yesterday about the fact that our children are on loan. Because they are. And I’m so grateful that God chose me to share CJ for however long He’ll allow me. (And don’t tell Connor, but six – and a half, to be clear – years from now when he’s in college; I’m already planning to find myself a cool little apartment just down the street because Lord knows I’ll still likely be picking out his clothes then, too.)


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