About staci

creating my brand new ending one exquisite day at a time.

two roads diverged

Do you remember that poem? I *think* it was sixth grade that we were tasked with memorizing Robert Frost’s words and why they’ve stuck with me and yet I can’t remember to blow out a candle is beyond me.

It’s worth sharing and no, I could not remember all of it. Don’t you judge me!

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveler, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could

To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim,

Because it was grassy and wanted wear;

Though as for that the passing there

Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay

In leaves no step had trodden black.

Oh, I kept the first for another day!

Yet knowing how way leads on to way,

I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

The Road Not taken, Robert Frost

I’d posted prior that I was sharing the mountain I’d been climbing for the better part of three years. And I’ve realized throughout the climb that so much of what I wanted to be was just who I actually am. Doesn’t that sound weird?

So I put out there that my heart’s desire was to create a community; a place for others to realize that we life this one short life in the middle. And that no matter where we’ve been, we are all in some state of recovery from something.

And since, I’ve been taking some baby steps in building this community through a number of social platforms. I just hadn’t actually shared anything here. And before my roads diverge, I wanted to put this out there so y’all on the book of face have the awareness because what I don’t want to miss is the opportunity to share with someone who needs this. I mean, can I shout it from the top of my mountain? That may be what I’m doing. Figuratively at this time, of course.

So what does it look like right now? I’m so glad you asked.

I’ve started a little Facebook group called ‘team restore•d.’ I created the group with the intention of bringing together this community to walk together in a space of safety, grace and compassion while we navigate the middle; to show how we can find peace with who and whose we are. I want to offer space to break free from past hurts, to befriend and live in the present and to have joyful hope for the incredible version of who you are just on the other side of all of it. I’m so stoked to do this thing with you. And our first order of business is going through the book, ‘The Mountain is You.’ I love it that much. And I think literally everyone could relate.

And, as I’d shared prior, so much of my story has been about a war with my body, my self-worth and with recovery from eating disorder. So not only did I create this group to build a community to share and grow but also to share about my passion for nutrition, health and wholeness. I have sought certifications as a trainer and nutrition coach so that I can effectively lead others with strategies that are sustainable and involve, ya know, real food! (and zero fads. i mean it).

I’m combining these parts of my story because they are actually related. Because it’s my whole story. And now I’m here just trying to figure it out in the middle and I’d imagine at least one of you are, too. And I just want you to join me. There’s someone I love so stinking much who shared a post in November that still resonates so strongly with me about ‘why’ I might be doing this. I just couldn’t articulate it as well.

… Our darkness may not be pretty, but it is purposeful. It turns us into brave fighters who know how to haul others out of the dark with the power of our testimonies. You really know the true power of light when you place it in the darkness. There will be purpose in your scars. You will live to tell these stories out loud. Your scars mean something. This present darkness means something. (LISTEN – this is staci talking) And someone, somewhere, might need you to keep enduring the darkness and leaning into the fight, so they can how how to hold on longer when their own trials come. …

hannah brencher @hannahbrencher on ig

Isn’t that just so good? Reading ‘someone, somewhere, might need you to keep enduring’ … that’s why.

The other super exciting thing that I’ve been working on is earning the opportunity to support people 1-on-1 in their journey towards health and wholeness goals. Our goals are all going to be unique. And I’d hoped to use the certifications I’ve gained for good to help those looking to make changes in a healthy, sustainable, long-lasting … (yes, I’m being a bit redundant intentionally. this isn’t about a quick fix. it’s not about a restrictive diet. it’s not about buying meals … etc.). I’m so super stoked for this opportunity because this app is so super affordable (seriously, $13/mo) and has an absolute crap ton of benefits (customized nutrition, effective and flexible workouts, loads of education, opportunities to track your progress and a 1:1 coach to guide you along the way. hi, it’s me!).

Why am I sharing this? Well, because I said that I wanted to make sure I could cast the net to anyone looking to become who they truly are along with me. I can’t do it alone. I mean, I’ll keep fighting for it either way because it’s my ‘why’ but it’s a lot more fun when you do it together.

And, because this is where the roads diverge. I’ll keep (or try my best to, rather) showing up here with the adorable Connor content because we can all agree he is the cutest little (almost) 18 year old ever. Nope, no longer cute. Super handsome. And no longer little. He’s a big boy.

But I’ll reserve this space for the personal and family things. And, if you’re interested in learning more about any of what I’m doing on the other side, you can find me on Instagram, in that community I shared, or, in the 1st phorm app.

I love y’all so stinking much. And I thank you for cheering me on. At the very least, I need you to keep doing that.

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost

don’t miss what’s along the way

I’ve done my best to take CJ on an adventure trip most years beginning in 2015. For Christmas, I told him that he got to pick anywhere in the U.S. for this year’s trip. A couple months and some list-narrowing later, he opted for Seattle. I was not mad about this.

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