don’t miss what’s along the way

I’ve done my best to take CJ on an adventure trip most years beginning in 2015. For Christmas, I told him that he got to pick anywhere in the U.S. for this year’s trip. A couple months and some list-narrowing later, he opted for Seattle. I was not mad about this.

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friday photos

It’s Friday. It’s the end of five weeks of being a fully remote employee. And it’s snowed off and on all day.

So, to celebrate the end of the week and to avoid any more ‘s’ words, let’s revel in a recent trip outside to a mildly angry lake, shall we? It was rather chilly and the wind was intense but after five weeks of the same work space, it was a pretty slick office for an end of the day meeting.

sometimes you just need to hear it

So, I have an intern. I mean, I was given the opportunity to mentor an intern. But here’s the thing: I actually feel terrible for her. I’m still not quite nine months into my new gig and I’m about 50% less confused than when I started. While that’s great and all because … learning!, this poor young lady is subject to 100% of my day and the miracle in all of it is? She hasn’t left yet.

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haleigh | class of 2019


Seniors are just my favorite. Young, old … I don’t care. I love them. But my biggest soft spot is for the high school types. There is something about seeing each unique personality bubble up to the surface during the course of our time. It makes my heart the happiest. Continue reading

lindsey mae | class of 2019

I know it’s basically impossible by the numbers for me to have a niece (the youngest one) looking forward to graduating high school, but it’s true! I had the distinct honor and privilege to spend the morning with the very beautiful, smart, funny and mildly inappropriate (I don’t know where she gets it!) miss Lindsey a few weeks back to do some senior photos. Continue reading